Draft Constitution

 Draft Constitution of the House Party

The goal of the House Party is to ensure that every individual has access to safe, stable, and affordable housing, recognising it as a fundamental human right essential for personal and community well-being. House Party will advocate for policies that promote affordable housing, support sustainable development, and foster inclusive communities.

A: Name

The name of the political party shall be the "House Party."


B: Purpose

The House Party is dedicated to providing access to affordable and safe housing for all Australians. 


C: Principles and Objectives

1.    Advocate for policies that increase the availability of affordable housing for all income levels and deliver housing justice.

2.    Promote the election to the Senate or to the House of Representatives of candidates endorsed by the House Party.

3.    Promote environmentally sustainable building practices and urban planning.  Support the development and maintenance of sustainable and inclusive communities. Encourage community involvement in housing decisions.

4.    Work with governmental, non-governmental, and private sector organizations to expand housing opportunities.

5.    To support research and innovation in housing solutions and sustainable development.

6.    Strengthen tenant rights and protections. Encourage responsible behaviour by owners and managers of rental properties.

7.    Ensure all housing meets safety and health standards.

8.    Implement effective strategies to eliminate homelessness.

9.    Support policies that provide economic stability and prevent housing market speculation.


 D: Membership

1. Eligibility: Membership is open to all Australian citizens and permanent residents who support the objectives of the House Party.

2. Application: Prospective members must complete an application form and pay the membership fee as determined from time to time by the National Executive Committee.

3. Rights and Duties: Members have the right to vote, participate in party activities, and stand for election within the party. Members are expected to uphold the principles and objectives of the party.


E: Governance

1. National Executive Committee:

    - Composition: The National Executive Committee (NEC) will consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to three other members. The NEC members will initially appointed by the Founding Members for a three year term, thereafter by the National Conference under item F3.

    - Duties: The NEC is responsible for the overall management of the party, including strategy, policy development, and coordination of state and local branches.

2. State and Local Branches:

    - Formation: State and local branches may be established to facilitate grassroots engagement and policy implementation.

    - Governance: Each branch will elect a committee to manage its affairs in line with the Party's constitution and policies.


F: National Conference

1. Frequency: The National Conference will be held annually.

2. Delegates: Delegates to the National Conference will include members of the NEC, representatives from state and local branches, and elected delegates from the general membership.


G: Policy Development

1. Process: Policies shall be developed through consultation with members, experts, and the community.  The attached Policy Statement will be the Party’s policy positions until altered under this Constitution.

2. Approval: Policies must be approved by the NEC.


H: Elections and Endorsements 

1. Candidate Selection: Candidates for public office shall be nominated and seconded by members of the House Party and selected by the NEC.

2. Endorsements: The House Party NEC may endorse candidates from other parties or independents who align with our principles and objectives.


I: Finance

1. Funding: The party will be funded through membership fees, donations, and fundraising activities.

2. Treasurer's Duties: The Treasurer will be responsible for managing the party's finances, including keeping accurate records and preparing financial reports.


J: Amendments

1. Proposal: Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the NEC or by a petition signed by at least 10% of the current members.

2. Approval: Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority of current members at the National Conference.


K: Dissolution

1. Decision: The party may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote at a National Conference or a two-thirds majority of the NEC.

2. Assets: In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be distributed to organizations with similar objectives and/or to homelessness services/charities at the discretion of the NEC.


J: Miscellaneous

1. Code of Conduct: All members and officers must adhere to a code of conduct that promotes respect, integrity, and ethical behaviour.

2. Dispute Resolution: Disputes within the party will be resolved through mediation processes to be established by the NEC from time to time.


 Adopted on this day, [Date], by the Founding Members of the House Party.

Founding Members:

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________